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Naon Dupi Flanged Socket Head Cap Screws?


Naon Dupi Flanged Socket Head Cap Screws?

Flange ilaharna mangrupa pasisian datar projecting leutik, kerah atawa iga dina screw pikeun strengthening atawa kantétan. screws flange pisan aman lamun dipaké dina aplikasi husus.

screws ieu ngadistribusikaeun tekanan mana screw nu meets beungeut tanpa nyokot spasi diperlukeun pikeun washer a. Ieu eliminates butuh hiji washer misah, nyimpen spasi jeung duit.

Sirah flanged

A sirah flanged tiasa sagala gaya sirah (iwal gaya countersunk) kalawan tambahan hiji flange terpadu dina dasar sirah. Ieu ngaleungitkeun kabutuhan pikeun mesin cuci datar.

screws cap stop kontak flangeti Zhenkun tiasa dipaké dina beban anu cukup beurat. Sanaos henteu cocog pikeun aplikasi tugas beurat, éta ogé henteu cocog pikeun nyepetkeun bahan anu lemes pisan atanapi ipis. Ieu hadir kalawan washer inbuilt pikeun nyieun flange nu bisa ngajaga sirah screw ti crushing bahan kaayaan. Mibanda sirah cylindrical sarta gaya drive héksagonal nu ensures pangeboran akurat. Sumawona, sapertos pengikat stop kontak anu sanés, éta masihan permukaan tampilan anu saé sareng kasar ku protruding luhureun permukaan pamasangan.

you can purchase our flanged socket head cap screws in stainless steel, carbon steel, and alloy steel to bear more wear and tear while also making it more corrosion resistant. They are also fully threaded and come with moderate tensile strength. Like we mentioned earlier, this tensile strength is mostly suitable for moderate loads. The head height of these screws is measured from the top of the head to the bottom of the flange. The length of the screw is measured from under the flange.

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